Posts in Family
Walking the beam

I’ve always loved this photo of me and Tristan. It was taken on a beautiful summer’s day when my kids and I were all together, enjoying each other and our friends. Tristan balances on a cement beam set between a parking lot and brush-filled hillside. He walks carefully, confidently, teetering a bit, losing balance now and again, but he always corrects himself. He stays on the beam, eyes ahead….

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What to do with Mother’s Day now?

Mother’s Day is a tough one. Dread begins seeping in to me weeks beforehand, building steadily. The thought of it drains my energy and knots my body with anxiety.

Last year, I spent the entire day before Mother’s Day in bed, sleeping, eating potato chips, and playing Candy Crush to still my heart and numb my mind. I wanted to go to bed and wake up to Monday morning, ready for work. A Monday work day was infinitely preferable to the terrible tomorrow ahead of me: my first Mother’s Day without my son, Tristan.

What the fuck was I to do with Mother’s Day now? …

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Six truths

1. A mother’s love

People say a mother’s love is blind, but that’s not true. A mother’s love is like x-ray vision. It sees her child’s soul, the ultimate source of truth. The only truth worth seeing. The rest of the human condition is camouflage.

I’m not blind. I see Tristan’s deceptions and hear his lies. I know his desperation, and where that leads him. Sometimes more clearly than he does. But that’s not the truth of who my son is. That’s the camouflage of addiction...

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Happy New Year, Tristan

Happy New Year, Tristan! You missed so much in 2018, I’m not sure where to begin.

Jenn took her 1-year, and then 18-month, fob. I know you would have loved to be there for that. She got a new job and it’s shaping up to be a wonderful position with lots of opportunity. She moved in with Damyen, and they got engaged, and I’m so happy for them both. He’s a good egg…

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Grief, FamilyKathy Wagner